Why the brouhaha about whether President Barack Obama deserved to win the Nobel Peace prize? Yes, we all know he is the President of the United States of America, the superpower, the world's economic epitome and the most powerful nation with the biggest arsenal and intelligence in the battle field.
Such titles and artillery come with responsibility. And isn't Barack a responsible dude? Just ask her elegant, mercurial, fashion-genic, 5 feet 11 inches tall wife and White House-mate Michelle.
But just who says one should not win a peace prize if you have all the arsenal at you disposal?

How many living individuals can boast of having such ability to aspire to inspire and achieve it?
Here is a guy who united one of the world's ethnically diverse and multi-cultural states with a total population of about 400 million people, from Hispanics to Blacks, from the Whites to Christians, from Muslims to Protestants, he made them all feel equal.
The foundations of such bonding are still very much intact, and Americans, I believe, are feeling more American than never before. And if they are not, perhaps they never will.
And isn't that feel-good factor spread across the world.
Who in this 21st Century doubts that the presence of Barack Obama right there at the helm of international diplomacy and politics has brought a renewed sense of enthusiasm within the confines, nooks and crannies of this world? Doesn't the world feel much safer right now than when George W. Bush was fighting a losing battle with Osama Bin Laden and an unnecessary combat with Saddam Hussein? Hasn't he been mentioned among the elites and compared to John F. Kennedy, Nobel winners Martin Luther King Jnr. and Theodore Roosevelt among other people who made America and the world a better place to live in?
And just who doesn't listen when he transforms his charm into words. Don't we all wanna listen? Doesn't critics like journalists listen to him with a notebook and pen sitting at the table? Not even his political nemesis McCain and Republicans, nor perhaps his greatest challenge to giving an inkling that terrorism can be halted, Bin Laden, can deny that Obama's charisma and modest personality wins him friends more than antagonists.
Obama has earned the Nobel Peace Prize and deserves even more besides.
When the 1.87m tall, flappy-eared, handsome-faced, skinny, calm, compassionate, stoic, etc etc American born of Kenyan father won the elections in 2008 -- rather easily I should say -- the adrenaline, oolala mood and "Yes We Can" belief that rushed across the veins and minds of people, from the swashing breeze in the Seychelles Islands to the scorching heat in Qatar, from the opulent streets in Pulau Tong, Singapore to the poor neighbourhoods in Kibera, from the stilt-built Makoko slums in Nigeria to the thick banana plantations in Bugangaizi Uganda was unprecedented, welcoming and highly uplifting.
The Nobel prize win for Obama may have had many asking why. Could these people have asked the same had he been given the award immediately after trouncing McCain and many doubters in the 2008 election? And yes, he has added over 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. So What? Is this a self-centered move? Isn't the motive driven at restoring order in a failed state and giving the Afghans at least some hope of a better future?
The US President was chosen for the prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." I wonder if strengthening diplomacy and bringing cooperation between peoples is not the same thing he wants to achieve in Afghanistan.
And by the way, just how many people still believe that Barack didn't deserve the honour of the Nobel after his speech? I guess some critics are busy googl-ing for his speech. After all, the man is too eloquent for life.
And I share in the words of Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, "We congratulate this year's Laureate, President Barack H. Obama, on what he has already achieved, and wish him every possible success in his continuing efforts for a more peaceful world. May you receive the help you truly deserve!"
Your Majesties, Mr. Presidents, Your Royal Highnesses, ladies and gentlemen, and all the critics, Barack H. Obama deserved Nobel Laureate. Even Alfred Nobel knows it!
And That's the Steifmastertake!
NO, if he brought the troops home and put them on the border he mightve deserved a medal
ReplyDeleteWe should deport anyone who is not hear legally. They are criminals and should be treated accordingly. They can apply to come here legally but until then, they do not belong here and should not have been here in the first place. They wouldn't want us invading their country illegally...What about all the lies? What about the bribes and bought votes? They did not get legitimate votes for the bill because some of the sensible Democrats realized what the bill would cost our country. They could have done much better but are pushing their own agenda instead of protecting the American people.
ReplyDeleteJust because we were born here doesn't make us any more deserving than them. For us to say "It's our country, our jobs, ours ours ours" it only shows how much we don't deserve our country.
ReplyDeleteObama is a pos and the sooner he is gone the better.
ReplyDeleteOh Cheryl! I bet you were not complaining when Bush started two wars, or put the tax cuts through just like the dems did this bill!!!!! Ya, like those things did not cost the Country!! Another REPUNK!!!!
Along with 90% or better of our country at the moment....
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing in Africa to help Obama out, so why bother to do anything over there? They can't vote him into office, so why give them money or healthcare of any kind? I've noticed at this point it's all about keeping power with Obama and the rest of the Democrats. Obie's already started the rhetoric about how if you vote for Republicans in Novermber they're going to take your healthcare away and raise your taxes back up. It's the only reason they pushed so hard to get the healthcare bill done now, even though nobody really knows what's in it.
On a side note, though...would it really be the president's job to address anything in Africa? Shouldn't we get our own house clean first? Most of those governments over there are so incredibly corrupt that it's really difficult to do anything useful. Ya know....kinda the direction we're headed....