Africa has inherited and learned many cultures from the West, some which have proved detrimental, others, beneficial. However, the reverse cannot be said of the West. They are simply okay with everything that they do, which is always right. Quite unfortunate.
Even more unfortunate is that they always try to convert Africans to seeing things using their own sunglasses, by portraying their (African) practices either as uncouth, or completely primitive in this 21st century. Quite unfortunate.
Not willing to be ostracized from the practices associated with the global village (which is defined by how the west wants everyone to live), the African man and woman have accommodatingly accepted whatever has been thrown their way.
At times, they have forced us to adopt their way of living. Colonization was one of them, homosexuality is becoming one of them. Never mind that so far, there’s no single native African language that has a word for gay or lesbian relationship, and there’s no single African native language that has a word for corruption, something that they also introduced in this society, taught our men and women who were eager to learn and adopt everything west. Now they are practicing what they were taught as a good student should, but you can see all the criticism.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t condone corruption. Never will. But the fact that the West tend to tell us what is wrong and right even when we know that we can decide for ourselves is, again, quite unfortunate.
This article has gone too far already. My desire actually is to opine on the recent suggestions doing rounds on the media that the vuvuzelas should be banned from world cup stadiums. Why? Because some light-skinned, fat-cheeked dude sitting comfortably in a spacious palace, able to afford a Dizzie Gillespie's Martin Committee Trumpet as a birthday present for his unborn child thinks that the vuvuzela ‘noise’ coming out of his 103-inch plasma display panel TV is discomforting.

The ‘noise’ has been likened to a herd of stampeding elephants. Elephants make us Africans. Critics also claim that it is a danger to hearing and completely camouflages the singing loved by many international supporters. International supporters is the key word here. Who cares about local supporters? I say this is Africa’s World Cup. We need to celebrate it our own way because no one knows if, not when, Africa will get another chance to host this event.
For those who want to sing, sing louder. If you cant, well, Arturo Freeman once said, ‘If you can't beat them over the years, ... you might as well join them.’
Bottomline is, we would rather embrace our ‘excessive noise’ than adopt the wayward spirit of hooliganism in our stadias. The Mexicans have the Mexican wave, the English have their Three Lions song and Africa has its vuvuzela!!
Every nation has its own traditions and modus operandi. On his official Twitter page, FIFA President Sepp Blatter summed up everything saying, “I don’t see banning the music traditions of fans in their own country. Would you want to see a ban on the fan traditions in your country?”
Ours is the vuvuzela. So for all the critics fronting for the ban of our stampeding elephant, buy some earplugs, switch off the tube or buy a vuvuzela and be part of the noise.
And that’s thesteifmastertake!!
vuvuzelas are as traditional as gang rape in south africa, do you support gang rape?
ReplyDeletebecause thats what these cheap ass plastic horns are doing to the world.
Everyone hates South Africa now, and think the country should be whipped of the face of the planet, but you monkeys might as well continue your mindless blowing into those plastic pieces of crap.
Thank you Nelson "i hate football" Mandela for freeing this mindless drones
I am ashamed if people from other countries say that the vuvuzela is a South African culture thing. This idiotic horn has nothing to do with the South Africa culture. It might the the culture of the stupid brain dead people in SOuth Africa but not the culture of everybody in our country. Please ban this idiotic instrument from the games.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous - your such a nkt!! I hope I don't set my eyes on you if you come to Africa. If I do, I'll blow the biggest vuvuzelas right on you ears that you'll never get to hear again!!
ReplyDeletePieter - Did you mention your country? Pliz give me a break... it may be a rainbow nation, you may have all the wealth here but still, this is a a black nation and there shouldn't be any white on the rainbow. You make us hate u!
Yes. And we have learned our lesson. We'll never give the World Cup to you again.
ReplyDeleteWho's we Bavo, as if you anybody in this world....hahahaha..
ReplyDeleteYou know it really helps if your sentence actually makes sense. "as if you anybody"? I mean seriously, wtf?
ReplyDeleteAnd we, is the millions of people who hate your primitive horns and the cocky way you defend them by saying it's culture and tradition.
"I say this is Africa’s World Cup" WRONG WRONG WRONG this is the World's WORLD Cup and you are the first host country that has managed to piss off the rest of the WORLD with your arrogance.
ReplyDeleteRead the News... the Asians and South Americas are comlaining as loud as the Europeans..oh no wait you dont like to hear that do you.... I forgot you only wish to attack Europeans... you are no better than the "westerners" you attach!!!
Three words:
ReplyDeleteMade in China.
Culture my foot!
Lol@ the gang rape comment too, v. Clever :)
Opening Ceremony - Rubbish
ReplyDeleteWaka Waka Theme Song - Rubbish
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - Rubbish
You had the chance to prove yourself on the world stage..... FAIL FAIL FAIL South Africa!! let hope you dont ever get another event like this to ruin ever again!
Failing FIFA who have fallen victim to Political Correctness.
ReplyDeleteIf this is such cultural thing why can't these goons do it at home for 6 days and 22 hours continuous and then leave the cretinous trumpet at home to watch football.
FIFA got this so badly wrong. Roll on burma 2018 I say. This is the least football I have ever watched at a World Cup. I have turned off every game before the end as no exitement if felt, even the last gasp Cameroon post hitter just elicited a BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that didn't distinguish it (excitement wise) from the ref checking his watch whilst a free kick is lined up.
y'all can take a piss... Haters!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen the rugby world cup was held in South Africa it was a massive success around the world. Why is it now that the football world cup is bringing global criticism? Not only these retarded horns but also FIFA had to bail SA out months ago financially now the Stewards for the matches have gone on strike and are rioting with police.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't see and i sincerely hope that the world cup is never held in Africa again.
"This is Africa's world cup"
ReplyDeleteYou know what? Fuck you. This is the WORLD cup, not a place for you to exhibit your recently-made-up-traditions. This is EVERYONES world cup. Not Africas, not Europes, not americas.
Ban those things, and make room for real culture on the stands.
lol gangrape? if one compares a vuvu to gangrape then they are more stupid than i thought :)
ReplyDeleteLet's kick vuvuzela out of Football! We Hate vuvuzela ! Vuvuzelayi istemiyoruz !
ReplyDeleteADMIN - Why is everyone so hating, what has the vuvuzela done to you? Don't you all think we should accept the traditions of different people that we meet. Why is everyone so intolerant of this. Would we rather condone the hooliganism spirit of the English and Argentinian fans? If a vegeterian comes to your house and finds you eating meat, do you stop eating your meat because he/she thinks it's not advisable? And those who compare the vuvuzela to gang rape, where did this come from? Africa? There's no word for rape in African native languages.
ReplyDeleteIt's quite unfortunate that some of you have gone ahead to rubbish everything that has been the world cup so far - everything African. I guess this is coz some of you are envious that contrary to expectations, we are hosting this world cup without any problem, you are eating the food we prepare, sleep in the beds we make and savour the comfort that we have provided. Yet, you still have the guts to... vuvuzelaaaaaaa
The World Cup matches are sounding like two 45 minute farts.
ReplyDeleteThey love vuvuzela so much, they are giving it to referees to keep up with the 'Culture'.
It has been scientifically demonstrated that vuvuzela makes exactly the same sound when blown with your backside. The smell is for free.