Nairobi Intercontinental Hotel has already set up a cozy VIP lounge for the up market corporate guests to come and watch the finals in addition to its big screen that has been showing live football matches since the beginning of the World Cup.
The VIP lounge, which has been touted as exceptional and state-of-the art, is set to become a signature wrap to the much hyped world cup and provide a ‘lasting impression’ to the hotel’s customers.
Christian Lehman of Intercontinental Nairobi says the hotel has lined up assorted prizes for their predict-and-win promotion and other activities to be run during the finals.
“We have great prizes ranging from bottles of wine, merchandise, t-shirts among many others that we want our customers to enjoy”, said Mr. Lehman.
Other lined goodies include buckets of beer, bitings and assorted continental snacks to be enjoyed throughout the match.
Spain will face the Netherlands in the finals showdown with both teams aiming to win their maiden World Cup trophy.
sounds like a plot