This is an interesting conversation I had with a Liverpool supporter in an online conversation that stretched for hours. We discussed about Brazilian sensation Neymar, new signings at Anfield like Charlie Adam and Jordan Henderson, imminent ones like Stewart Downing and 16-year-old M'Baye Niang as well as the possible line up at Anfield next season especially in the midfield. We even talked about the club's Asia tour, not to mention the deadwood who need to be shipped out ASAP. Poulsen was an interesting topic.
They don't say You Will Never Walk Alone for nothing. Enjoy
Neymaar is a dream signing.. and so is this guy... dont know why there isn’t much of a bidding war for this player -
still at QPR men... we shd buy him as a backup striker now dat we lost on Wickham
still at QPR men... we shd buy him as a backup striker now dat we lost on Wickham
Too many buyings will render pacheco and company useless...just as somebody was suggesting we sell agger is that a serious kop?
Too many buyings will render pacheco and company useless...just as somebody was suggesting we sell agger is that a serious kop?
Am a big fan of the Argh... but he needs to stay fit.. if he does and we get a good leftback (read today ati we are looking at Marcelo now that Contreao has gone to madrid).. I think we will be formidable.. imagine marcelo on the left, glen on the right.. argh and carra on the center... adam, gerro, kuyt/downing, lucas mid and suarez carol upfront... and someone says we can’t win the league.. men dat squad... dont know who to put on the bench bana
Am a big fan of the Argh... but he needs to stay fit.. if he does and we get a good leftback (read today ati we are looking at Marcelo now that Contreao has gone to madrid).. I think we will be formidable.. imagine marcelo on the left, glen on the right.. argh and carra on the center... adam, gerro, kuyt/downing, lucas mid and suarez carol upfront... and someone says we can’t win the league.. men dat squad... dont know who to put on the bench bana
GREGALUTION: Sure we will not CAN...but right now Agger is fit i think he is in Guangzou
Yep he travelled.. Greg seriously...who wd drop to the bench...gerroo... no qsn.. but Adam, Kuyt, Lucas, Meireles, Downing if he signs... eih yawa!!!! and now ati M'Baye Niang shd sign for us this week... he's 16… u goin go go go offline
Yep he travelled.. Greg seriously...who wd drop to the bench...gerroo... no qsn.. but Adam, Kuyt, Lucas, Meireles, Downing if he signs... eih yawa!!!! and now ati M'Baye Niang shd sign for us this week... he's 16… u goin go go go offline
Not really may be my account was idle....i would drop kuyt just to add speed you know he is aging… what of you by the way even gerro is aging
Not really may be my account was idle....i would drop kuyt just to add speed you know he is aging… what of you by the way even gerro is aging
Aah,,,, Gerro... never ever men... I love dat guy (am not gay lol)... cant drop him.. will have him start all matches if he can but then drop him if we have the win secured... how about i drop Lucas (this breaks my heart)... have adam and gerro mid... downing (or Andy johnson) left wing and kuyt right wing - kuyt adds more spark in attack... gerro and adam wil have to work extra hard though to cover defence if we drop lucas
Aah,,,, Gerro... never ever men... I love dat guy (am not gay lol)... cant drop him.. will have him start all matches if he can but then drop him if we have the win secured... how about i drop Lucas (this breaks my heart)... have adam and gerro mid... downing (or Andy johnson) left wing and kuyt right wing - kuyt adds more spark in attack... gerro and adam wil have to work extra hard though to cover defence if we drop lucas
Lucas NO he is the duracell for adams..he might as well be linked to the left flank then we drop kuyt he should start being used as an impact player
Lucas NO he is the duracell for adams..he might as well be linked to the left flank then we drop kuyt he should start being used as an impact player
dat hurts but if you say so... Lucas Adam center... downing left... err..gerro right? suarez and caroll strike ... ama lucas, gerro, adam mid.... suarez right downing left caroll lonely upfront.. think this is better... kuyt comes in for caroll... formation shifts to 4-4-2 with geroo right and kuyt and suarez upfront...
dat hurts but if you say so... Lucas Adam center... downing left... err..gerro right? suarez and caroll strike ... ama lucas, gerro, adam mid.... suarez right downing left caroll lonely upfront.. think this is better... kuyt comes in for caroll... formation shifts to 4-4-2 with geroo right and kuyt and suarez upfront...
surely it hurts but i think Dalglish is such a canny know this guys...suarez and lucas will have a burn out after the COPA america 2011 so gerroo kuyt,carrol and adms/henderson"never fancied him" will make a start attack
surely it hurts but i think Dalglish is such a canny know this guys...suarez and lucas will have a burn out after the COPA america 2011 so gerroo kuyt,carrol and adms/henderson"never fancied him" will make a start attack
Damn!!! even forgot about Hendo... Seriously, I think this is a crisis... wat of after the rest... and am a big fan of Aqua.. and we haven’t even talked about Meireles... dats a headache bana... let canny Kenny decide…. LFC fans are very "interesting"… told you of the M'Baye Niang guy... guys have even updated his wikipedia profile and stated current club as LFC with jersey no 9 lol
Damn!!! even forgot about Hendo... Seriously, I think this is a crisis... wat of after the rest... and am a big fan of Aqua.. and we haven’t even talked about Meireles... dats a headache bana... let canny Kenny decide…. LFC fans are very "interesting"… told you of the M'Baye Niang guy... guys have even updated his wikipedia profile and stated current club as LFC with jersey no 9 lol
Aqua...ha! meireles...lets face the fact here...kuyt is dropping down the pecking order bana..i think he gonna do what he did to Chelsea..who expected that squad ....with johnson and agger in midfield,carra,skrtel,kelly and who was that...cant remember in defence
Aqua...ha! meireles...lets face the fact here...kuyt is dropping down the pecking order bana..i think he gonna do what he did to Chelsea..who expected that squad ....with johnson and agger in midfield,carra,skrtel,kelly and who was that...cant remember in defence
I think guys like kuyt for his workrate... i rate him more than merieles and so do the King... Meireles will be sold ... un4tunately... aqua aqua aquaaaa
I think guys like kuyt for his workrate... i rate him more than merieles and so do the King... Meireles will be sold ... un4tunately... aqua aqua aquaaaa
Aqua can always create impacts in games involving weak sides like arsenal...meireles is just in a class of his own but he gets worn out quickly i think he can also create a good impact player....only rotation will do...joe cole is being sold...poulsen,jovanovic....hey is this a new mancity?
Aqua can always create impacts in games involving weak sides like arsenal...meireles is just in a class of his own but he gets worn out quickly i think he can also create a good impact player....only rotation will do...joe cole is being sold...poulsen,jovanovic....hey is this a new mancity?
I don't know men... haki sijui... Cole... am tired of this...... check them out here - u've liked Charlie Adam's facebook page... i see... dats a KOP
I don't know men... haki sijui... Cole... am tired of this...... check them out here - u've liked Charlie Adam's facebook page... i see... dats a KOP
yah lemmi hope that he does what aurellio does best with the left foot
yah lemmi hope that he does what aurellio does best with the left foot
U've seen the video... ave been inside dat ting... mine was jetlink tho...haha
U've seen the video... ave been inside dat ting... mine was jetlink tho...haha
Yah...soto is still alive bro av seen in at the background on charlie adam's wall pics
Yah...soto is still alive bro av seen in at the background on charlie adam's wall pics
Not worried about him... and wats Poulsen doing there... he shd hav been put on a bike... if he reaches hong kong in time...... a lifetime contract with lfc would have been awesome
Not worried about him... and wats Poulsen doing there... he shd hav been put on a bike... if he reaches hong kong in time...... a lifetime contract with lfc would have been awesome
lol such a tweet.....poulsen is the mzee (old man) of the team like Musa Otieno with harambee stars
lol such a tweet.....poulsen is the mzee (old man) of the team like Musa Otieno with harambee stars
yeah.. dont know where dat tweet came from... even commented on the video with my youtube channel lol... but at least Musa can pass a ball to save his life
yeah.. dont know where dat tweet came from... even commented on the video with my youtube channel lol... but at least Musa can pass a ball to save his life
Yawa dont be so hard on the man who covered the longest distance at the 201 FIFA world cup in the the way this is a comment frim meireles page....In a quick conversation, Raul admitted desire to remain at Liverpool.
Yawa dont be so hard on the man who covered the longest distance at the 201 FIFA world cup in the the way this is a comment frim meireles page....In a quick conversation, Raul admitted desire to remain at Liverpool.
longest distance chasing after male players not the ball... get your facts right lol.. he looks like a model with his blonde hair...Raul wants to stay but am prepared to lose him
longest distance chasing after male players not the ball... get your facts right lol.. he looks like a model with his blonde hair...Raul wants to stay but am prepared to lose him
Surely...for a british player?consistency bana check out your choices and considerclass is permanent but form is temporary
Surely...for a british player?consistency bana check out your choices and considerclass is permanent but form is temporary
Poulsen lacks both
Poulsen lacks both
But meireles does..
But meireles does..
but we can sacrifice him...he's 28... hendo is 20? he'll come good under the tutelage of Stevie (who is british)...we can offload him know coz we have many options... in January... i couldn’t have thot the am a fan of the guy... but u see they can't sell hendo for meireles
But they can sell jovanovic,poulsen,cole,ngog,spearing,damien plessis,nabil them we need a big squad you know for us to get to europe..
But they can sell jovanovic,poulsen,cole,ngog,spearing,damien plessis,nabil them we need a big squad you know for us to get to europe..
Spearo? no... dats the next Mascherano bana... look at day guys face... he looks battered and ready to revenge with some crunching tackles dat win the ball... Ngog can Ngo shingo upande.. na hao wengine..dnt know much about Plessis... and Degen is also on the ranks
Spearo? no... dats the next Mascherano bana... look at day guys face... he looks battered and ready to revenge with some crunching tackles dat win the ball... Ngog can Ngo shingo upande.. na hao wengine..dnt know much about Plessis... and Degen is also on the ranks
Degen was sold to i think hamburg maze spearing will just have to be sacrificed you dont know much about plessis...there is insua and konchesky...
Degen was sold to i think hamburg maze spearing will just have to be sacrificed you dont know much about plessis...there is insua and konchesky...
not sold.. he was on loan with Stuttgart...the face-rubbing manager Woy Hodgson however told him he was free to look for another club... he's done nothing to say about him...age also doesnt fit with new FSG policy
not sold.. he was on loan with Stuttgart...the face-rubbing manager Woy Hodgson however told him he was free to look for another club... he's done nothing to say about him...age also doesnt fit with new FSG policy
oh...Stuttgart.. speedy player he was...but could not settle due to injury....
oh...Stuttgart.. speedy player he was...but could not settle due to injury....
whateva happens, Anfield would be awesome next season before we move from all dat history to a new stadium...sadly 

Stanely Park...but if we want to compete financially yeah.. we can make anfield our museum
Stanely Park...but if we want to compete financially yeah.. we can make anfield our museum
I hope pray and wish that one day I'll attend an LFC match... cd have been better at Anfield but just being inside Liverpool.. the capital of the world's best football team irrespective of what others think would be a lifetime achievement... Walk on with hope in your heart and YWNWA
I understand that Hagar the horrible has a chain of restaurants in the city...would love to eat in one of them...but in three seasons' time i have to attend to one of the matches...
I understand that Hagar the horrible has a chain of restaurants in the city...would love to eat in one of them...but in three seasons' time i have to attend to one of the matches...
And That's thesteifmastertake!!
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